2024 Staff
Ella is looking forward to her 4th summer with the Swimming With Jordan team, & is a Certified Water Safety Instructor (WSI). She brings outstanding knowledge of stroke technique and development to your child’s lessons with her knowledge and participation on the Pearce High School Swim Team. She is currently a rising college Sophomore (former JJP Pearce High School swim team member!). She is also a fabulous piano teacher! Ella is enthusiastic about swimming and looks forward to helping kids safely gain a lifetime love of the water. She is excellent with the swim students, and both parents & the kiddos LOVE her!!! SO excited to have her back for a few weeks in May 2024!!!
Holly is a Certified WSI Instructor and thrilled to be on staff again with the Swimming with Jordan team for her 5th Summer! She just finished her 3rd year of college and is a former member of the JJ Pearce High School Swim Team. Holly is tremendously patient with children, and the kids absolutely LOVE her! We are thrilled to have her back for another swim season!
Champions Week
Due to the current nature of the Covid-19 pandemic, the often fragile medical nature of children with special needs, and in following of the postponement of the 2022 State Special Olympics programming….Champions Week for 2022 will NOT take place. For all swim students with special needs, Jordan recommends enrollment in ISR self rescue, in which the private 1:1 setting and the consistency and frequency of these lessons provides the platform for maximizing aquatic ability. For more information on ISR self rescue, email j.benners@infantswim.com.